Measuring Posture Means Nothing

For the past several months I have been trying to wrap your heads around the relationship between the vector and posture. We have long looked at the ASC as an island and not as a piece to the puzzle. It is this monocular view that has limited our ability to access the...

The Transverse Plane

Better Vector – Better Correction The transverse plane is the invasive plane on the human nervous system. This is evident by the orientation of the facets that restrict this motion below C2 to the ankles. The lumbar allow for strictly sagittal movement, the thoracic...

Power vs. Force

Discussion The focus of this month’s article is an introduction to “how to generate power without using force”.  Most Doctors are extremely proficient at the film and analysis but struggle with the delivery aspect of the correction process.  I separate these two as...

The Hyperbolic Arc

The Hyperbolic Arc of the Frontal Plane  Further Discussion on Static and Dynamic Aspects The goal of any vector-based procedure is to first calculate the correction vector and then to access the reduction pathway. This is a two-part process. First, to establish the...

QSM³ – Beyond the Linear

Introduction A few weekends ago, I presented another workshop using the QSM3 (Quantum Spinal Mechanics3) model. I always start the class by asking a very simple question: Do the six misalignments below, that look exactly the same on the nasium and vertex, get treated...