Corrective Health Care Russell Friedman DC

Corrective health care is a simple concept. If something isn’t working, fix it, and don’t just put a Band-Aid on it. Seems like a basic fundamental but throw billions of dollars by pharmaceutical companies, cancer clinics, and the hospitals and here we are today. We...

Method: Part 2

Trauma to Misalignment As I outlined in my paper, Method Part 1, the process of trauma, misalignment, gravity, rebalance, and trauma again is a continuous loop that the human body manages delicately. And it is this multiple trauma and rebalance cycle that creates...

Postural String Theory

Looking beyond “a bone out of place” in search of improvement has been a remarkable journey. The universe always provides the answers if you are willing to ask the questions. Today, we currently can measure a 3D postural break down from skull to pelvis and access the...

Method Part 1

Misalignments and their corrections are a messy job. They take effort and because of multiple traumas, out of pattern misalignments are the norm. The human body goes through multiple cycles of: Trauma    >      Misalignment    >      Breakdown       >    ...

A Clear Transition

I was speaking with a member a while back.He called me to discuss the best way to transition a patient from one UC procedure to QSM3.  He has some patients who are used to thinking about his work under another name; he was concerned about nomenclature and educating...

Fresh Perspective

A Fresh Perspective By Dr. Jonathan Lazar (Class 082) Title: Who Are You Really and What Do You Want? We all look for ways to become more productive. We’ll buy new software, a new app, and come up with a new way to get things done more efficiently.  And it all works...