Putting the Neck Before the Head

Putting the Neck Before the Head Restoring the human frame to Orthogonal and Tensegral has become quite the task. For over a hundred years chiropractic was the only biomechanics method that investigated the task of restoring human balance. From the early chiropractic...

Subluxation is a Systemic Problem of the Whole Organism

It is now 120 years since D.D. Palmer first adjusted Harvey Lillard on the 4th floor of the Ryan building in Davenport, Iowa.  He termed the basic malfunction to be “subluxation”.  Definition of this ‘lesion’ has been problematic ever since.  The various definitions...

Gravity and Energy

Gravity is the most degenerative stressor for our body’s health and vitality. There is nothing more destructive than the effects of the compression from gravity on our bodies as we are pulled earthward. No moment in time exists when we do not feel its full effect....

Macro & Micro: Introduction to Pathway Release Control

Macro & Micro Introduction to Pathway Release Protocol Releasing the tension compression of the misalignment is a whole lot of work. We have learned that the human body is complex. After a trauma it attempts to restore the skull above the pelvis; in doing this, it...


Far too often in our daily practices we can overlook something right in front of us.  Schedules, appointments, patient requests, etc., all tend to distract us from seeing the larger picture – one that is right in front of our noses!  I’d like to point out one of those...

A New Vision

The objective of the Upper Cervical (UC) spinal correction has always been about directing force into the body in an effort to move a bone back to it’s place of origin. However, any downward force, or any force going into the body is, by its very nature, compressive...