QSM³ Articles

Macro & Micro: Introduction to Pathway Release Control

Macro & Micro Introduction to Pathway Release Protocol Releasing the tension compression of the misalignment is a whole lot of work. We have learned that the human body is complex. After a trauma it attempts to restore the skull above the pelvis; in doing this, it...


Far too often in our daily practices we can overlook something right in front of us.  Schedules, appointments, patient requests, etc., all tend to distract us from seeing the larger picture – one that is right in front of our noses!  I’d like to point out one of those...

A New Vision

The objective of the Upper Cervical (UC) spinal correction has always been about directing force into the body in an effort to move a bone back to it’s place of origin. However, any downward force, or any force going into the body is, by its very nature, compressive...

Systems Biology and QSM³

All of us are entangled in the paradigms of our times. Even those of us who live on the edge of the current paradigms in science and medicine are still formed by them and react to them. We live within their context whether we agree with them or not. We in the West are...

Nashville 2014

There are so many healing professions from the mechanical MD who postures the body like a machine to the energy healer that thinks it’s all about moving chi. There was a time where I thought they were wrong but have grown to realize that this diversity is a...

How Things Work

When a persons posture is compromised, it deviates off the vertical axis. Figure 1a. shows a normal balanced posture that is than exposed to a left to right trauma. We will talk single plane for explanatory purposes but a misalignment is always multi-planar. This...

“When there is a breakdown of the tensegral distribution of forces, a compartmentalization occurs in which sections optimize themselves and then work to coordinate with other sections, often creating a cantilevered balance of sections, decreasing overall efficiency but providing a diminished but engaged stability with respect to gravity.”
Michael Thomas DC, Director of Research