Upper Cervical History
Quantum Spinal Mechanics³
Vector based Upper Cervical Chiropractic systems (Wernsing, Grostic, Orthospinology, and NUCCA), all have a long history of high quality specific spinal corrections. This pinnacle of chiropractic principles attracts some of the brightest and most detail-oriented doctors. Wernsing introduced the concept of atlas laterality and rotatory (angular) measurement in the 1930’s. Grostic, in the 40’s, introduced a new cervical x-ray series and rotatory system of analysis (along with the supine leg check) in conjunction with Gregory. Later, with NUCCA, Gregory organized specific misalignment types and greatly clarified the biomechanical principles involved, essentially bringing the correction to its present level of specificity by the late 1970’s. Since the era of these pioneers, little has progressed in upper cervical chiropractic (UCC). The advent of multiple adjusting machines, although hailed by their inventors for specificity and ease, also have specific limitations in their ability to correct the misaligned spine.
The Progression of QSM³ Procedure
QSM³ is a logical progression and reasoned evolution of these great 20th century systems. It consolidates the brilliant discoveries of vector-based Upper Cervical Chiropractic (UCC) with innovative examination and re-thinking of the various protocols by Dr. Friedman. The attention to x-ray detail, the specific analysis, the correction table, and the lightest touch at the C1 vertebra (< .5lb) are the foundations that QSM³ integrates. The QSM³ procedure measures the 3D misalignment of the human frame to improve the correction potential. QSM³ uses a posture measurement device in a unique way to evaluate pelvis to skull misalignment. In conjunction with the upper cervical analysis, QSM³ now enables measurement of the complete misalignment pathway. This means more detail, better data, and higher resulting potential to hold the correction. QSM³ looks at a 3 dimensional full spine correction. This means the weight scales are only a small piece to the necessary information that demonstrates at a diagnostic level that any patient’s spine has been corrected. We see many patients that check clear in the weight scales (frontal plane) but have a head tilt and pelvic distortion. A correction is not one plane or piece but a 3D balance of all parts. The Anatometer, although it lays claim to measure pelvic twist/ distortion, definitely at an engineering level is completely inaccurate. We have retro fit our digital device with a system that measures rotation coupling in the pelvis. The reason the pelvic distortion/correction is key to a balanced spine is:
1. It is the largest mass in the human frame and must be corrected to restore true balance.
2. It indicates as it rotates that the spine is breaking down against gravity.
3. Is the key aspect for symptomatic relief and must be corrected first before the weight is even an issue. This concept is like talking about the paint on the walls on a house when the foundation has not been set and balanced.
The QSM³ procedure is a comprehensive approach that restores body balance pelvis to skull using multiple headpiece placements when necessary to correct, by component, the breakdown of the human frame. Not everyone is a perfect linear misalignment but a culmination of years of multiple traumas. This approach after being board certified in more than one UC procedure has begun to answer the complications that are a regular occurrence with stability and better results.
“To complete the triune to optimal intelligence we must incorporate the quantification of the energy in, the energy received, and the protocol to deliver multiple energetic frequencies to match the specific resistance. All of which unite to restore the tensegrity of the myofascial envelope which encapsulates us.”