
A few weekends ago, I presented another workshop using the QSM3 (Quantum Spinal Mechanics3) model. I always start the class by asking a very simple question: Do the six misalignments below, that look exactly the same on the nasium and vertex, get treated exactly the same as well? They all are a Right-Type Ones with anterior rotation (RH 4A 2). What differs is the frontal plane, the vertical axis, and the pelvic rotation is evaluated.

  1. Right short leg, right frontal plane, right wt, anterior pelvis
  2. Right short leg, right frontal plane, right wt, posterior pelvis
  3. Left short leg, left frontal plane, left wt, anterior pelvis
  4. Left short leg, left frontal plane, left wt, posterior pelvis
  5. Left short leg, right frontal plane, right wt, anterior or posterior pelvis
  6. Right short leg, left frontal plane, right wt, anterior or posterior pelvis

 There are two general responses.

If you are in the small group that says YES (they should be all treated the same), it means you will only get #1 corrected completely and # 4 possibly. This is because they are the only linear misalignments. The force on #1 needs to be directed down though the right frontal pane and with the anterior rotation vector. The vector does all the work. See #4 for its details.

If you say NO, they are different, then you are in a group defined by two paths: You either don’t know where to begin or you manipulate the vector in a  “what works for me” default. The latter has no clear protocol or algorithm.

The answer is clear using a DEFINED QSM3 protocol. This protocol in summary form has an algorithm that measures the pathway of resistance and then presets the pathway using the Hdpc, patient, and Doctor leverage point. Here are some thoughts on each of the above misalignments in an abridged version.

  1. is a linear misalignment that has a headpiece placement that closes the right C0/C1/C2, tucks the chin to direct anterior forces, and tractions the pelvis and rotates the right hip posterior to all the vector to overcome resistance S to I and A to P.
  1. is also a non-linear misalignment that has a headpiece placement that closes the right C0/C1/C2, lifts the chin to re-direct anterior force posterior, and tractions the pelvis and rotates the right hip anterior to all the vector to overcome resistance S to I and P to A.
  1. is a non-linear misalignment that has a headpiece placement that closes the left C0/C1/C2, tucks the chin to direct anterior forces, and tractions the pelvis upward and rotates the right hip posterior to all the vector to overcome resistance I to S and A to P.
  1. is a linear misalignment that has a headpiece placement that closes left C0/C1/C2, lifts the chin to direct posterior forces off the left side, and tractions the pelvis and rotates the right hip posterior to all the vector to overcome resistance I to S and P to A. This is an easy correction with all the forces working together, except the headpiece needs to be dropped to correct the left reduction pathway.
  1. & 6. are complex compressed misalignments that need to be de-compressed. There are two misalignments here. One pathway is right and the other is left creating a bowing of the structures. To truly correct this misalignment with jamming to vertical using force, one misalignment must be sprung out to create a linear pathway. This requires two headpiece placements to either bring the top over the bottom misalignment, or the bottom under the top misalignment. After this is “un-sprung” and a possible re-PRE depending on the post correction results. In each case the goal is to have the short leg and the weight differential on the same side. The plane lines will increase (as expected) and is only an indication of one misalignment pathway being corrected. IT IS WHATS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN HERE. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. In either case the top or bottom will correct. The first part is to create a coplanar kinetic chain. Re-Pre and it can be corrected as a linear misalignment.

All the above are only discussions on patient placement and not the aspects of force application & direction.

This includes Doctor stance and leverage point using the wrist lever.

This integral aspect sets the vector to be redirected at the entrance of the appropriate resistance pathway.

 This is discussed in the new 110-page QSM3 manual.

So if you are one of the nearly 100 doctors/students who have been to a QSM3 workshop, you are able visualize the resistance pathway from C0 to Pelvis and recognize the importance of it in the correction process. When we visualize and measure the misalignment (skull to pelvis) and its three-dimensional breakdown, we are applying a powerful tool for completing the non-linear cases we all see in a majority today. The reduction pathways algorithm and application is a piece that vector-based spinal care is presently missing.

Calculating a vector and not measuring the pathway of application is only half of the equation. The strength in understanding the complete pathway model from the skull, C1 and the C2 down through the pelvis completes the quotient.

Without it, you will then continually struggle unnecessarily.

Understanding what the misaligned body is doing creates a great sense of knowledge that allows you to take the calculated vector, place it into the patient at a three-dimensional entry point using headpiece, skull, shoulder, and pelvis, and FEELING (yes, feeling it move piece by piece in your hand) the pathway to overcome resistance in multi directional leverage points.

I know this is a lot if this is your first exposure, but I assure you it is a comprehensive model that you can wrap your head around.

Each month, I will send out a section of the QSM3 protocol and discuss a case to walk you through it so you can see it.

This is a very clean, comprehensive model. I welcome your insights, your imagination, and your participation. I am open to all biomechanical discussion based on a standard algorithm.

The QSM3 model is about the dynamic application of the great information our predecessors have built. The static knowledge of x-ray, analysis, and anomalies will continue to advance and help our ability to see more. My quest is dedicated to the other half of the quotient: the necessary application and position of the calculated vector.

The next class is in Atlanta. I expect 15 hours of CE credit to be ready by then. Let me know how I can help you. The procedure is full circle with newly tested insight in placement, analysis, patient placement, Hdpc, Doctor placement, delivering force through mass triangles. If you would like a copy of the seminar classes let me know. If you have trouble with a case, email the details and we will resolve it together.

This is not a different, divergent technique but rather an extension of what your present knowledge base and consciousness has already enveloped. Be open to new possibilities without making anyone else wrong. To grow and learn in an open way is a positive path.

Please pass this on. If you would like to be added to the newsletter let me know.

Russell Friedman DC


AlternaHealth Solutions


404-459-6603 Office

770-378-6557 Cell