Quantum Spinal Mechanics³ (QSM³)

Tonal Based – Chiropractic – Global Release


The method, the 3D model

With every misalignment, there is a structural injury and a response to that trauma. The wisdom inside of us is busy working to maintain our upright position in order to minimize our three dimensional collapse under gravitational stress, and our diminishing energetic value over time. Postural misalignments occur three-dimensionally, and have both structural and neurological consequences. We see normal body responses to some of these misalignments, and sometimes see dysfunctional responses as a result of multiple or excessive traumas. Many times we see the main cause & the effect evidenced in the postural relationship. BJ began this discussion by coining the term “primary”.

Postural trauma and ensuing misalignments are complex, and they present in an infinite number of patterns. These patterns can change visit by visit as the release process progresses. On each visit, the postural listing and its relationships may be at different levels of structural, neurological, and compressive distress. I have begun to quantify these levels during each visit, since each level has a different dysfunction, which requires a different release goal. That is what’s involved in the process of corrective care. This has helped improve my decision-making process by basing it on the present level of dysfunction and degeneration: Level 1.Decompression to Level 2.Unbalanced to Level 3.Balanced to Level 4.Tensegral to Level 5.Sagittal Stability are the progressive levels leading to structural sustainability. All postural listings are at one of these levels, and no one structure is more important for stability than the other. Primary dysfunctions can differ visit by visit, and each level has a specific purpose with a specific outcome. The goal of “fixing” that one section or bone, and making it “good to go,” is not a corrective process. Our process focuses on measuring the postural listing and understanding its inter-relationships to determine the level of dysfunction and degeneration during each visit.

Tensegrity is the current biomechanical model of the Bio-structural anatomists and myofascial physiologists. Its breakdown is the most significant stressor to human energetic sustainability.

Tension is produced when the two ends of a line approximate or bend inwards. This tension creates an arch that is capable of supporting significant stress. If the arch has flexibility like in the spine, it produces a Tensegral spring. If it is rigid like the ribs and rib cage, it provides more strength and stability.

The human spine consists of three flexible arches that are formed as an infant crawls and then stands. The orientation of the spine and its three arches are oriented in the sagittal plane. The lumbar and cervical curves shorten posteriorly to produce posterior tension, and the dorsal curve shortens anteriorly to produce anterior tension. Two posterior tensions and one opposing anterior tension produce and maintain the primary Tensegral tension that supports upright posture in the human body. For this reason, the sagittal plane is the foremost Tensegral tension that needs to be restored. The answers and clues to accessing and restoring the sagittal plane are found in the design and structure provided by Universal and Innate Intelligence. The spinous processes’ sagittal orientation and size, and their arched shape, are Innate’s indicators of their structural and functional importance. The Occipital rim, C2, C5, C7 are the large sagittal cervical attachment points. They are the big players- each with different access points, sections and Tensegral layers.

The transverse processes are the osseous tension lines and MFE attachment points for the frontal plane, and to a lesser degree for rotational motion. Their orientation makes them the ideal mechanical advantage points for the frontal plane. When trauma and weakness to the MFE occurs in the lateral plane, the compensatory righting reflex activates opposing specific MFE lines to balance the head over the pelvis. The cervical transverse attachments are the insertions to the MFE that bend the head back over the pelvis to reduce the energetic demand. These bends or curves are unlike the healthy Tensegrity- creating curves of the previously discussed sagittal plane. Bending in the frontal plane may ease the stress of compression, but they are not energetically healthy, and their bending is a clear indicator of global breakdown of the primary sagittal 3-Arch Tensegral support.

The frontal tension is structurally and thus functionally different than the sagittal curve’s tension-opposing architecture. Its tension is maintained by a triangular system of fractals. It is system of guy wires (picture below) used for sagittal stabilization. This frontal plane architecture is less of a true Tensegral system than the sagittal plane architecture.

Similar to the sagittal system, the bending of the rib cage creates a posterior tension from the approximation of the shoulders. This is a function of the lateral osseous attachments of the shoulder, ribcage, and pelvis. They support and give width to the sagittal tension lines of the spine, and are a supportive system to the sagittal Tensegral curves

The individual size of the transverse processes reflects the magnitude of their responsibility. It is an expression of the brilliance of Innate and Universal Intelligence. The occipital rim, C1, C5, and C7 are the larger transversarium that support the Tensegral array, and provide access to the frontal components of lateral tilt, weight, and some degree of the rotational compression.   Each transverse, like any other attachment, is MFE function- specific. C7 to C5 transversarium are the major access to the lateral tension of structures below (weight, decompression, short hip, FP and bow). C5 transverse is the primary keystone for the Tensegral system. It provides the coupling point to affect both structure and neurology. It accesses the neck structure, the head neurology, and the decompression of the structures on both sides. C1 transversarium to C0 rim accesses the neurology of the skull.

Accessing a dysfunctional section (low hip, FP, bow etc.) or short tension is done through proper patient placement. This involves increasing the patient’s tension lines by positioning on the table, and then accessing the line as it attaches to specific cervical processes.  Primary dysfunctions in levels 1 & 2 are released last to stabilize the most vulnerable section. Releasing it last and leaving it allows the body to adapt without additional input. This concept applies to the sagittal curve as well. The anterior is primary on everyone without exception. Two rules: 1) Grandma always gets shorter- release I to S 2) Grandma always falls forward- release anterior last.  Accessing posterior tension is done by chin flexion and the standard pelvic sagittal set up of bending the knees to accentuate the lumbar curve. This allows access and release of the posterior dorsal curve first at the primary transversarium and spinous processes. Once clear, then by raising the chin, the anterior shortened curves are tension-accessed and released, initiating the restoration of the sagittal curve. This primary support of Tensegrity is the goal of Level 5.

Every joint has a specific range of motion or combined movements in the frontal, sagittal, and transverse planes. C0 to C7 all move differently. Focus on this as you connect with all the cervical attachments, as it is this motion that is used to connect to and release in all planes of that specific cervical vertebra. Spines have similarities, so practice will increase your awareness of those patterns. Every misalignment has tension in every plane of motion, and every cervical is to be checked in its inferior, superior, right, left, anterior, and posterior planes of motion. It is the restriction that dictates the necessity to step in and drive to release the tension in that specific line of drive.

Practicing and honing your palpation skills of feeling the patterns, bending 3D, and releasing tension synergistically along these planes of motion will allow more profound releases. Once cleared, then reach in further for C3, C4, and C6 while bending and releasing. Be quiet in your mind when you work. Relax, slow down, and watch the art of your Q connectivity unfold as you connect and release in sequence and flow. Correcting all six sections of the body to orthogonal never happens in my experience. The sections have been damaged, and cannot be restored to original factory condition. So, what is our purpose if it is not to correct the body?

Our purpose for every new patient is to decompress and balance. That means reducing  the rotation of the shoulders and pelvis as the first step in synergistically releasing the foremost dys-functioning section of Level 1.

I have spent 20 + years trying to figure how to correct people in one visit only to find out they cannot handle it. Correcting the body’s subluxation is a process that starts with understanding where the primary dysfunction is and stabilizing it to normal. Then, moving to the secondary dysfunction until it is stabilized and so on.

Principle #6- The Principle of Time – There is no process that does not require time.

Principle #11- The Characteristics of Universal Forces – The forces of Universal Intelligence are manifested by physical laws, are unswerving and unadaptable, and have no solicitude for the structures in which they work.

Universal Intelligence is perfect 100% of the time. We are now Awakening and Remembering.

Russell Friedman 2017