
If you have been looking below C7 to access the complete pathways of the spinal misalignment, you are now well aware of the many configurations that can exist. To think that one headpiece placement is enough minimizes our work. This month’s discussion is an intro to counter-rotation. This is where the atlas rotation is opposite the pelvic rotation. The trouble with these misalignments is as you put the vector down through the closed kinetic chain (the body) and correction the rotation of the atlas, it will increase the pelvic rotation. This will create instability and increase symptoms.

If you have not looked at this, you should so you can:

  • Begin to initiate the process of awareness that many configurations exist below C7.
  • Begin to visualize the pathways that the vector must travel.
  • Begin to realize that the good reductions above may not be consistent below C7.
  • And ultimately learn to evaluate the full posture and know how to access it and correct it with a system that is Upper Cervical based but full spine specific.

Gregory realized the necessity to clear all the pathways through the pelvis based on the advent of his Anatometer. The truth is a complete correction means the skull, 24 the vertebrae, and the pelvis is orthogonal.  He was the last to evaluate the full spine.

This means, that it is appropriate to say, that if you have only measured 9 out of 26 bones of the misalignment, you correction percentage is about 35%.

I challenge you to look below

As you start measuring the full posture components of the body, and using the calculated vector, you will come to the realization that your present biomechanics paradigm is limited. The knowledge to set the vector to access the multiple pathways that exist in all patients is the science and art that will initiate the move to a 21st century paradigm.

Counter Rotation

When the pelvis and C1 are counter-rotated there are two protocols that allow the redirection of the vector.

  1. The torque in the correction
  2. The leverage points of the resistance

Both of these are separate papers in themselves. I will only introduce them here and detail each in the next two monthly articles. Without these concepts, breaking resistance is at best random. They are the cornerstones to breaking resistance on the complex misalignments. It is this facet of the correction that plagues the best linear adjuster to randomly change a vector, stop posting the vertex, or giving up.


Torque is used to reverse a vectors direction when the pelvis and C1 are counter-rotated.

It is NOT a function of C2.

If an anterior C1 on the right exists with a pelvis posterior on the right, the C1 vector will jam or increase the pelvic rotation. Torque allows the vector to go through the C1 and reverse its action down to the pelvis to turn the counter-rotated pelvis. Torque acts on the sgaittal and frontal plane and changes as the height to rotation components of the vector change as well. This means that when the height component vs. the rotational component of the vector is larger, torque acts differently v. when the rotational component is larger than the height component.

This is the 45-degree rule.

Superior torque turns the pelvis A to P, and Inferior torque turns the pelvis P to A.

The April article will detail in full the definition and action of torque.


Resistance is what holds the body in its misaligned position. It is this resistance that we:

  • Access with the vector and the placement
  • Set a triceps force to overcome down the closed kinetic chain of the BODY

Vector pathways are loaded with resistance. It is the:

  • Vector that allow us to have specific direction
  • It is the placement that allow us to access the pathways
  • BUT it is the leverage that breaks the resistance itself

Leverage is an action by the wrist (wrist lever) in a specific direction (P to A, A to P, I to S, S to I, 360 degrees) that the resistance will collapse.

The leverage point is the direction of the wrist leverage to overcome resistance. By measuring and knowing the leverage point to move the wrist lever, a more methodical and corrective adjustment is delivered.

It is the inability of the adjusting machine or the fixed motion of it that limits all machine adjusting considerably.

Leverage points allow a vector to be set at any place in the body. This concept when mastered will elevate your correction greatly.

To be continued

Russell Friedman DC
