Trauma to Misalignment

As I outlined in my paper, Method Part 1, the process of trauma, misalignment, gravity, rebalance, and trauma again is a continuous loop that the human body manages delicately. And it is this multiple trauma and rebalance cycle that creates these out of sync misalignments where the body is non linear and non correctable with one headpiece placement or line of correction. Out history of manipulating numbers speaks to this truth.

QSM3, as noted, is a hand-adjusting Upper Cervical procedure that has been looking at this process with fresh eyes in search of a new paradigm to create the process of “cause to correction”.  By viewing the Trauma Loop holistically – taking a 3-D view of connectivity – we are able to“measure” the pattern (from skull to short leg) of each misalignment as it attempts to adapt or rebalance when misaligned from trauma. Most patients have multiple traumas and multiple rebalance cycle that creates the out of pattern misalignment (OOPM). The complex proprioceptive system, which manages this rebalance,copes with these multiple traumas optimally as innately it should.  What it produces is a postural distortion that must be sectional based on patterns and sequential order for optimal release to orthogonal and Tensegrity.

What we are reviewing is seekingthe sequence of breakdown in order to reverse it optimally. (This concept may be most easily understood as seeing that the path home from your office is the reverse of the path to your home.) To achieve this, we release all the pathways that hold the misalignment and rebalance off Orthogonal and Tensegrity living.

The modulation after repetitive trauma and rebalance is what we see in upper cervical vitalistic-based chiropractic as the cause-cure for (OOPM). Our return to Vitalism has caused an objective re-examination of our understanding of thesenon-integratedpatterns. This re-examination ofupper cervical subluxations and their relationship to full body patterns that reconnect us to Vitalism has helped solve the seemingly unsolvable. We now have begun to understand the neuro-structuralreactive mechanism, from trauma to breakdown, in relationship to body balance. This understanding of the breakdown process has informed us of the corrective path of sequential steps needed to reverse it predictably. The algorithm used involves measuring the “relationship”of these postural data points:

  • Leg differential: Supine leg check
  • Weight imbalance: Digital device
  • Shoulder and pelvis rotation: Digital device
  • Fixed point (C7/T1): Digital device
  • Side of body compression (BOW): Grid
  • Head tilt: Grid

We then create a sequence of headpiece positions as the key insertion pointsof these release points are located around the upper cervical area. Their function is to help reduce the stress of the misalignment as the myofascial envelope is activated. The release of all the sectional components or pathways of the misaligned posture from skull to pelvis allow for a full orthogonal release.

These are the pieces of our three-dimensional“Lego” set. Their inter-relationship initiates a process that pattern-types them, details a headpiece protocol, and indicates the points of release to restore Orthogonality and Tensegrity. Not “a bone out of place”– but a vitalistic function-structure method.

Figure 1 illustrates clearly that there is not one bone “out of place” but an organized misaligned system that has a measurable pattern.  (Anything less than vitalistic and organized would violate our principles of Universal and Innate Intelligence.) The study to determine “cause, breakdown, and adaptation” has and will continue to help us unravel the complications of multiple trauma and rebalance and adaptation. This connection from skull, C1, neck, shoulder, pelvis, and short leg is now a reality with a true specificity for each 3D breakdown from skull to short leg.


Method:Late Middle English (in the sense ‘prescribed medical treatment for a disease’): via Latin from Greek methodos ‘pursuit of knowledge,’ frommeta-+ hodos way, road


       Figure 1.

Method: Late Middle English (in the sense ‘prescribed medical treatment for a disease’): via Latin from Greek methodos ‘pursuit of knowledge,’ frommeta-+ hodos way, road

You can see the misalignment at every level, the compression and the spinal curvature, the shoulder and pelvic rotation along with the skull tilt.  As with all functions of innate intelligence, there must be some sort of homeostasis or balance. So what we must be seeing is a complex three-dimensional system that has been traumatized and misaligned many times andInnate Intelligence restoring a “best-case” scenario.

Upper Cervical has long been an advocate of measuring. Now we can measure beyond the neck and correct the OOPM, as it should be as a vitalistic 3D whole body. This is the focus of the QSM3 Method. It is a comprehensive UC method that is inclusive of the multiple postural distortions that can and do exist below the ASC which must be accounted for in the measurement for corrective results.

Rebalance and Adaptation

The QSM3 Method begins with the measurement – rebuilding the misalignment from short leg to skull tilt on each patient to establish a postural pattern and patient/multi-headpiece protocol.

From bottom to top (I to S) is the mechanism at which we rebalance or adapt. As injuries occur, the righting reflex and the proprioceptive system mandate the stabilization. The body misaligns and reacts.

It is notthat the bones turn themselves but the myofascial envelope that is activated by the balancing systems of the body to create rebalance turns them.

It is the release of these pathways that are the cause not the bone itself.  The bone does not move itself but the neuro-structural (myofascial envelope) and all its attachments that restore rebalance. When UC and chiropractic in general is willing to embrace that truth, we will move forward.

This rebalance I to S is managed by tension lines of the myofascial envelope to turn the skull and shoulders in an organized pattern.  It is these tension lines (called pathways of resistance) that are in a tension-compression pattern to restore “rebalance.” It is the release of these pathways that releases the compression on Tensegrity and the complete release that restores the truest body balance from UI.

This is avery important concept because to assemble the misalignment and its breakdown is to know its empirical path to balance. The proprioception to maintain the head over the pelvis is a crucial function of the human body. It is maintained by at least the righting reflex and the sacro-C1 high-density mechanoreceptor regions.

A trauma to misalignmentsignals the sensory mechanoreceptors and the righting reflex which thenfunctionally activate the myofascial envelope and thus structural rebalance. The myofascial envelope has an origin insertion system from:

  • Foot/pelvis to the shoulders
  • Foot/pelvis to the skull

The human head, and its weight on top of a long lever (the spine),act as a crow bar effect to modulate rebalance. This rebalance causes tension lines along the shoulder and skull that, when accessed and released, restore posture in a reverse breakdown, three dimensional path towards its natural posture.  The Method begins with the short leg.  We modulate from the bottom up so we will build and restore in that same direction.

Pattern of Skull to Short Leg

The short leg is analogous to a short chair leg. If the chair had a short left leg, it would lean to the left and weigh more heavily on the left.A patient with a short left leg should have the same“left heavy” weight. This relationship of weight to short leg is fundamental in the corrective process. If the leg and weight are not coplanar, this biomechanical imbalance indicates a multi-trauma and rebalance that is called a JAM.

The Grid is a posture chart we use to visualize low shoulder and head tilt. The low shoulder is a core concept of vitalistic upper cervical-based chiropractic. The low shoulder demonstratesa postural compression. It must be released as the first step. Compression must be released prior to addressing the frontal or skull components. Figure 2 shows the release process from compressed to linear.

The Grid (Figure 3) is the diagnostic tool that shows the compensation pattern of rebalance to the short leg. If the leg is right short, the shoulder and skull above the pelvis acts as the rebalance compensation structures to restore a least-stress position. So, a left short leg would cause a body to shift left  (left short chair leg idea). The proprioceptive system would than sense this and relay information to the insertions of the shoulder and skull to three dimensionally activate and restore rebalance by turning right. This concept makes C1 and the shoulder compensatory.

Rebalance ofMyofascial envelope

At shoulders and skull



                                                  Figure 3.

The Grid, the digital device, and the short leg answer these questions:

  1. Is the weight coplanar with the leg?
  2. Is there counter-rotation between the shoulders and the pelvis?
  3. Is the rotation empirically large?
  4. Are the short leg, weight, and fixed point in balance?
  5. Is the shoulder or head rebalancing incorrectly?

These are the questions that build the 3D model that will allow the release of the pathways sequentially. These should all be answered before a correction is considered.  Let’s look at an example and answer these questions.

R1/2 R12P5 A11 R1, LL

This is a postural listing which tells us:

  • R1/2 – right ½” short leg
  • R12 – 12lbs. more on the right
  • P5– a right 5mm posterior shoulder
  • A11 – a counter-rotated 11mm anterior pelvis
  • R1 – vertical axis is off to the right
  • L- shoulder is low on the left
  • L- head is low on the left

If you put this postural listing together from the bottom up, you have a leg and weight that are coplanar – result? NO JAM. The right short leg produces a left low shoulder as the body rebalances correctly toward vertical. There is counter-rotation in the shoulder and pelvis, which is biomechanically incorrect and a significant stress point.  The head is coming with the body as it leans left. The skull tilt must be corrected as a final stage to ensure correction stability.

So we have a normal compensating weight and bow that has a counter rotation and coplanar head tilt.

I can fix that!

To be continued…