It Is What It Is

Chiropractic is back on the move.  We are again asking questions in order to grow and become better stewards of our craft.  As I continue my travels around the country, lecturing at different schools, one thing has become very clear to me.  This new generation of...


The vertical axis and frontal plane have been a challenge to stabilize. The muscle tension that holds posture when misaligned is significant. Overcoming and stabilizing it is a fight against gravity and contraction. The Upper Cervical (UC) approach has, from just...

Tone to Tension Release

We all know that the human body endures trauma. This sets the stage for collapse and the recruitment, or activation, of a three-dimensional muscle contraction to prevent the body from falling over and collapsing under the force of gravity. This postural-structural...

Putting the Neck Before the Head

Putting the Neck Before the Head Restoring the human frame to Orthogonal and Tensegral has become quite the task. For over a hundred years chiropractic was the only biomechanics method that investigated the task of restoring human balance. From the early chiropractic...

Gravity and Energy

Gravity is the most degenerative stressor for our body’s health and vitality. There is nothing more destructive than the effects of the compression from gravity on our bodies as we are pulled earthward. No moment in time exists when we do not feel its full effect....